The logo for la clinica de la manzana shows a heartbeat line.
0983 264766

Local to Asunción?

We offer the BEST iMac, MacBook and iPhone repair services in Paraguay. 

We specialize in iMac, MacBook and iPhone repair
In fact Apple is all we really do.

Máximo Lira 242A c/Guido Spano
Villa Mora, Asunción

Why us over another repair store?

A black and white drawing of a computer monitor on a white background.

Apple is all we really do. 

We specialize in iMac, MacBook and iPhone repair. We are the only local repair shop that works exclusively on Apple devices.
A black and white drawing of a gear with a hole in the middle.

We fix what others can't.

We fix what others can't.
Repair shops from all over Paraguay and other local shops send us the repairs they cannot fix in house. Don't deal with the middle man, come to us direct. 

No outsourcing.

Many repair shops will outsource logic board and liquid damage repairs to other shops that specialize in doing those repairs. We do all logic board and liquid damage repairs in house, and never outsource. 

Why come to La Clinica de la Manzana
over the Apple Store? 

Probably your first thought after your MacBook, iMac or iPhone stops working is to visit the Apple store for service. This is not always the best choice if you are out of warranty or if you do not have Apple Care for several reasons..
  • We don't want to sell you a new device. Often times if your MacBook is a couple years old, Apple will push you to buy a new one. If your device is only a couple years old, why buy a new one when you can have your current one repaired for (Most likely) Less than $450?
  • We fix what others can't. We do logic board repairs in house, and we can fix what Apple has deemed "Unfixable". 
  • If your device is liquid damaged, or doesn't turn on, they will most likely tell you that data recovery is impossible. This is not true! On most MacBooks the SSD is separate from the logic board and is held in by 1 screw which makes data recovery possible even if the device is unfixable. Most iPhones can also be repaired to the point where we have access to the data for recovery.
  • We fix the actual problem and don't just sell you a Tier 3 or 4 repair. Apple and other large companies usually don't diagnose the actual issue with your device. If it has a certain symptom they usually will replace all components that can cause that issue. For example if you have an issue with your trackpad and keyboard not working, they will often tell you that the logic board, keyboard, and trackpad needs to be replaced. This is completely unnecessary. 

Some issues we can fix.

A black power symbol on a white background

No Power

No power is usually caused by a logic board issue, especially after liquid damage or a bad electrical spike. In a MacBook, the trackpad or keyboard can also keep the device from turning on if they fail. In iPhones, they tend to take a lot of abuse in everyday life and can become damaged by flexion too.
A black low battery icon on a white background

Not Charging

Be it an iPhone or MacBook, no charging issues can be caused by both the logic board or the battery. Some devices are more prone to charging issues after liquid damage due to the location of the battery charge controller on the logic board. 
A black and white drawing of a lightbulb

No Backlight

Typically with no backlight issues, you will be able to see the screen if you shine a light on it just right, or on a MacBook, through the apple logo on the back of the display. No backlight issues are especially common on 2013-2017 MacBook Air devices and on iPhones that have fake screens installed.
A black and white drawing of a laptop with a fingerprint on the screen.

No Image

No image can be caused by both the logic board or the display itself. Typically with image issues, you will still hear the startup chime or your iPhone will still receive calls and messages, but you will not be able to see an image at all, even when shining a light on the screen or through the apple logo on the back of the screen.
A black and white drawing of a keyboard

Trackpad and Keyboard not working.

On most newer MacBooks the keyboard is controlled by the trackpad. Keyboard and trackpad issues can be caused by an issue with the trackpad and keyboard, or the logic board. 
A black and white drawing of a drop of water on a white background.

Liquid damage

Liquid damage is the ultimate nightmare for any electronic device. The good news is, we can fix your MacBook and make it like the spill never even happened! iPhones can be more tricky and at this time, we only offer data recovery for extensive liquid damage.
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