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MacBook Repair Services

From simple issues such as sticky keys to component level logic board repair, we have you covered.
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FlexGate Issues?

FlexGate is plaguing the 2016-2019 MacBook Pros. If you open your MacBook screen and it suddenly goes black, or shows the stage light effect.. You probably have FlexGate. Unfortunately, the backlight cable was poorly designed. Apple knows this and had a recall to replace all affected screen for 4 years after the resale date. Unfortunately again, that recall has ended and we are left on our own to fix it. We have designed an internationally used kit and course to repair FlexGate, and we ourselves offer this repair at a much lower cost than a replacement screen!

No Power? 

Many things can cause your MacBook to not turn on. Most commonly, you either have an issue with your logic board or your trackpad (sounds odd, we know). In the case of the new Touch Bar or USB C equipped models with soldered on storage, we can normally save your device and all of your data too.

Not Charging?

What good is a laptop that can't charge its battery or shuts off as soon as the charger is unplugged? Battery charging issues can happen after liquid damage or after using an aftermarket charger or battery. Sometimes they just happen out of the blue. Both the logic board and battery can cause charging issues. 

See a faint image or nothing at all?

Chances are, if you hear the startup chime, but can't actually see anything on the screen, you have a issue with backlight. You may even be able to see a faint image in a bright room. No backlight is common after liquid damage, especially on MacBook Air devices. If you have a 2012 MacBook Pro Retina with a dedicated GPU and No Image - Check this out!

Liquid Damage Repair

Spills happen, and when they do, it doesn't always mean the end of your device's life. We specialize in logic board repair and can repair most liquid damaged MacBooks. 

Battery not lasting as long as you'd like it to?

Batteries typically degrade in capacity after a few years in use or a few hundred charge and discharge cycles. You may have been told it was impossible to have your battery replaced without having the top case of your computer also replaced. This is not true. We can replace any MacBook battery without replacing the top case.

Sticky or non working keys?

We can replace your keyboard without replacing the whole top case on your computer even on the Retina models* that are riveted into the top case. 
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